Mathematical Model Linking Max Temp and Min Temp

 Having just completed the 'Mathematical Modelling' course by TU Delft I was quite eager to try out applying what I learnt, so I found a dataset on Kaggle ( and plotted two variables, hoping to find a relationship between them. The variables I decided on were Maximum temperature and Minimum temperature. 

Using Excel, I cleaned up the data set and obtained 5801 workable values.

I then used MatLab to plot these values and then used the polyfit function to try equations of different polynomial orders (1-11). 

After trying all the different orders, a simple linear regression model was found to be the most suitable. 

The model that best links these 2 variables is y= 1.0835x+ 5.6363 where y=Maximum temperature (celcius) and x=Minimum temperature (celcius).


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