Defining what God is in Hinduism- Infinities and Illusions
In order to define what God is (not his properties but what God is) we look at the phrase, 'Reality/truth knowledge infinity (not limited) is Brahman (God)' from the Taittiriya Upanishad. In Hinduism, we have 3 types of limits; space, time and object. So whatever this Brahman is, it needs to be everywhere (omnipresent), it needs to always be here (eternal) and nothing can be apart from it (non-dual). An object like a cup doesn't meet our definition as it isn't everywhere, it isn't eternal and a table is different to a cup (there is something apart from it so it isn't non-dual). Conventional religion has a way out by saying that God is not here but in Heaven and that you meet him after you die, but that breaks our rules of infinity. Only one thing really meets our definition and that is the sense of reality. Things we consider real (like the cup) don't follow our rules of infinity but existence itself is everywhere, has always been there (even before the big ...